Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Argyrodendron actinophyllum subsp. diversifolium L.S.Sm.

Smith, L.S. (1969) Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 6: 17. Type: Eungella Range, Bee Creek and Crediton, M.S. Clemens (holotypus, BRI. 064183).
Blackjack; Mackay Tulip Oak; Oak, Mackay Tulip; Oak, Tulip; Tulip Oak; Crowsfoot Elm
Outer blaze with pink to red fibrous stripes and white or cream, granular stripes. Blaze finely layered. Bark rather hard to cut.
Normally five leaflets in each compound leaf. Leaflet blades about 7-16 x 2-5.2 cm. Lower surface of the leaflet blades densely covered with small scales of varying sizes. Midrib raised in a groove on the upper surface of the leaflet blade. Lateral veins about 12-20 on each side of the midrib. Leaf bearing twigs with numerous, pale brown, vertically elongated lenticels. Stipular scars quite obvious. Twig bark strong and fibrous when stripped.
Outer surface of the flower buds clothed in brown or pale brown scales. Flowers about 10-13 mm diam. Inner surface of the perianth tube tuberculate. Anthers about 15 per flower.
Cotyledons thick and fleshy, without venation. First pair of leaves +/- ovate, pale brown on the underside. At the tenth leaf stage: leaflet blades about five, glabrous on the upper surface but pale brown on the lower surface from scales; midrib and main lateral veins raised on the upper surface; petiole and terminal bud clothed in stellate scales; stipules triangular, about 5 mm long, clothed mainly in scales but also with scattered, stellate hairs. Seed germination time 16 to 21 days.