Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Celtis timorensis Span.
Spanoghe, J.B. (1841) Linnaea 15: 343. Type: Timor.
Blaze quite hard to cut, consisting of dark brown, horny layers and much softer thin cream layers.
Male inflorescence racemose, about 5-20-flowered, each flower about 2 mm diam. Stigmatic arms entire in the female flowers. Hermaphrodite flowers borne in mixed inflorescences containing about 4-7 flowers, each flower about 2-3 mm diam.
Cotyledons about 10-15 x 10-12 mm, apex divided into two large, usually acute, lobes. First pair of leaves ovate, 3-veined at the base. Margin with 4 or 5 teeth on each side. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade +/- ovate, apex acuminate, base cordate; midrib sparsely pubescent on the underside; stipules filiform, pubescent, persisting after each leaf matures. Seed germination time 159 days.