Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Diploglottis obovata S.T.Reynolds

Reynolds, S.T. (1987) Austrobaileya 2(4): 330. Type: Queensland, North Kennedy District: Dryander Creek about 2 km N of Gregory and about 20 km N of Proserpine, 10 Nov 1985, P. Sharpe 4169 (holo: BRI; iso: BRI).
Blunt-leaved Tamarind
Tree to 8 metres, often spreading; buds and young stems densely hairy with rusty-brown simple hairs; stems becoming glabrous; stipules absent.
Pinnate, alternate, 150 - 300mm; terminal leaflet absent; petiole 20 - 60mm; leaflets 4 - 6, opposite or alternate; lamina obovate to elliptic, 40 - 165mm by 35 - 70mm, entire; pinnately veined with 16 - 20 main laterals either side of midrib, impressed and distinct above, raised and prominent below; upper-surface glabrous; under-surface with simple hairs along midrib and lateral veins; petiolules 3 - 10mm; apex obtuse to rounded; base truncate or obtuse.
Inflorescence thyrsoidal, 75 - 190mm long, in upper axils; flowers white to yellow or green, 4 - 5mm in diameter, functionally unisexual (but appearing bisexual); plants monoecious, male and female flowers on the same inflorescence; pedicels 2 - 3mm; sepals 4 or 5, 3.5mm long, finely hairy outside, fused at base, lobes 2 - 3mm by 1 - 1.5mm; petals white, 5, 2.5 - 3mm long; male flowers with 6 - 8 stamens strongly exserted on one side of flower and a rudimentary ovary; female flowers with 6 - 8 staminodes and a 3-locular, superior ovary.
Features not available.