Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Eupomatia laurina R.Br.
Brown, R. in Flinders, M. (1814) Voyage to Terra Australis 2 : . Type: in woods and thickets in the colony of Port Jackson .. (given by A.T.Hotchkiss, J. Arnold Arbor. 36 (1955) 393 as Port Jackson, R. Brown).
Copper Laurel; Grey Beech; Native Guava; Rose-bush; Bolwarra; Scented Laurel
Seldom grows beyond 30 cm dbh. Fine oak grain in the wood.
Flowers about 20-25 mm diam. Stamens numerous, about 70. Staminal filament base 2 or 3 times as wide as the apex. Carpels numerous, 13-68, closely crowded, +/- embedded in the broad flat receptacle. Ovules 2-11 per carpel.
Occurs in CYP, NEQ, CEQ and southwards to Victoria. Altitudinal range in NEQ from near sea level to 1200 m. Grows as an understory tree in well developed rain forest and wet sclerophyll forest but favoured by disturbance. Also occurs in New Guinea.
Stem bark material of this species was active against some tumors. Collins et al. (1990).