Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Gynochthodes jasminoides (A.Cunn.) Razafim. & B.Bremer

Razafimandimbison, S.G. & Bremer, B. (2011) Adansonia 33(2): 291.
Morinda; Morinda, Sweet; Jasmine Morinda; Morinda, Sweet; Jasmine, Native; Native Jasmine; Sweet Morinda; Sweet Morinda; Morinda, Jasmin
Vine stem diameters to 7 cm recorded. The irregular radial lines or segments of bark and wood form a pattern in transverse sections of the stem resembling drainage patterns into a central lake or spokes of a wheel.
Leaf blades about 3-11.5 x 1-4.5 cm, petioles about 0.4-1.2 cm long. Lateral veins usually 3 or 4 on each side of the midrib, forming loops inside the blade margin. Stipules about 1.5-4 mm long, sheathing the twigs. Domatia are cave-like foveoles which register their presence because of humps which are apparent even on the upper surface of the leaf blade.
Flowers about 8-10 mm diam. Calyx about 0.8-1.5 mm long, lobes absent. Corolla tube about 5-6 mm long, lobes about 3-4 mm long. Anthers bright yellow, about 2 mm long, protruding beyond the corolla tube. Pollen orange.
Fruits +/- globular, about 8-12 mm diam., surface marked by numerous crater-like pits. Pyrenes quite hard to cut. Seeds numerous, irregular in shape, about 2.2-4 x 1.7 mm. Embryo about 1-1.2 x 0.3 mm. Cotyledons scarcely wider than and about one third of the length of the radicle.
Cotyledonary stipules short, apices rounded. First pair of leaves elliptic-ovate, stipules linear, apices very acute. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade about 6 x 2 cm, petiole about 1 cm long. Midrib raised on the upper surface. Stipules interpetiolar with 2 stipules at each node, stipules broad-based, apices acuminate and very acute. Stem above the cotyledons densely hairy. Hypocotyl glabrous and longitudinally 2-ridged. Seed germination time 101 days.
Morinda jasminoides A.Cunn., Botanical Magazine 61: t. 33 (1834). Type: New South Wales, Port Jackson, Mar. 1821, A. Cunningham; holo: K?.