Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Hoya australis subsp. sanae (F.M.Bailey) K.D.Hill
Hill, K.D. (1989) Telopea 3(2): 251.
Wax Flower
A slender vine not exceeding a stem diameter of 2 cm.
Inflorescence an umbelliform raceme which produces flowers over a long period of time. Flowers waxy, perfumed, about 12-14 mm diam. Calyx lobes about 2 mm long, hairy on the outer surface. Corolla lobes about 6 x 4 mm, clothed in short, erect hairs on both the inner and outer surfaces. Corona about 5 mm diam., the radiating lobes fleshy, about 2 x 1.5 mm, flattened on the upper surface. Pollen aggregated in pollinia. Style head about 1.3 x 1.2 mm. Carpels 1.2 mm long. Ovules numerous.
Fruits fusiform, about 9-13 cm long. Fide Forster & Liddle (1996a).
Features not available.
Endemic to CYP. Altitudinal range quite small, from near sea level to 250 m. Grows in beach forest, vine thicket and monsoon forest particularly on old sand dunes.