Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Motherwellia haplosciadea F.Muell.

Mueller, F.J.H. von (1869) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 7: 107. Type: In silvis densis montium juxta Rockinghams Bay. Dallachy.
Vine stem diameters to 7 cm recorded. Blaze odour spicy.
Fruits about 9 x 9 mm. Seeds about 6 x 4 mm. Embryo minute, difficult to find.
Cotyledons ovate, about 9-10 x 7 mm, midrib raised on the upper surface. First leaf simple, cordate, apex apiculate, margin toothed. Second leaf simple or trifoliolate, apices apiculate, margins toothed. At the tenth leaf stage: the base of the compound leaf petiole +/- sheathing the stem. Leaves trifoliolate, middle leaflet blade elliptic, lateral leaflet blades ovate, oblique at the base. Middle leaflet blade longer than the lateral leaflet blades. Midrib raised on the upper surface, margins with a few (1-3) teeth on each side. Seed germination time 39 days.