Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth

Kunth, C.S. in Humboldt, F.W.H.A. von, Bonpland, A.J.A. & Kunth, C.S. (1816) Nova Genera et Species Plantarum 1: 64.
Fleshy herb to 30 cm tall. Stems erect becoming decumbent and rooting at the nodes, glabrous; internodes up to 50 mm long.
Leaves alternate, petiolate; lamina 15-35 x 16-30 mm, mostly with 5 veins from the base; petioles about 8-13 mm long, glabrous. Spikes terminal or axillary in the upper axils, solitary and up to 7 cm long; peduncles 5-13 mm long, glabrous; fertile axes 20-50 mm long, , glabrous. Flowers not sunken into axis, spaced 0.4-1 mm apart; floral bracts rounded, 0.3-0.4 x 0.2-0.3 mm; ovary rounded-oblong, ca. 0.3 mm long and wide.
Inflorescence glabrous; Flowers not sunken into the inflorescence axis. Ovary and flower bract equal size.
Features not available.