Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Psydrax johnsonii S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.
Reynolds, S.T. & Henderson, R.J.F. (2004), Vanguerieae A.Rich. ex Dum. (Rubiaceae) in Australia, 3. Psydrax Gaertn. Austrobaileya 6(4): 876-878. Type: Queensland. Leichhardt District: Duaringa Shire, Berrigurra Station, about 6 km N of Tolmies, 23 32'S, 148 44'E, 9 Dec 1981, E.R. Anderson 2829 (holo: BRI).
Small tree 3-8 m high; bark grey-brown with white, dark grey or blackish coloured mottles, rough at base, smooth toward upper branches. Young stems hairy, becoming hairless.
Inflorescences axillary, dichasial cymes, 22-25 flowered. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, 5-merous (sometimes 4-merous), white. Pedicels 1-5 (-6.5) mm long, hairy when young. Calyx tubular and 1-1.5 mm long, lobes 4-5, minutely hairy when young, green. Corolla 5-6 mm long, tubular with spreading to recurved lobes, tube 1.5-1.7 mm long, lobes 3.5-4 mm long, glabrous but with erect hairs in throat, white. Stamens 4 or 5, exserted from corolla tube; style 7-8 mm long, exserted, stigma bilobed, ovary inferior.
Features not available.
This profile information and associated coding has been adapted from Cooper & Cooper (2004), Harden et al. (2014) and Reynolds & Henderson (2004).