Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Rhamnella vitiensis (Benth.) A.C.Sm.
Smith, A.C. (1943) Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club 70: 544(1943).
Usually grows into a large vine but also flowers and fruits as a shrub. Vine stem diameters to 8 cm recorded. Outer bark has a plaited appearance. Cambial layer turns brown on exposure.
Flowers about 3-5 mm diam., pedicels about 4-7 mm long. Calyx lobes about 2 mm long, keeled on the inner surface. Petals small, about 1-1.5 mm long, completely enveloping each stamen until anthesis. Staminal filaments about 1-1.5 mm long, anthers about 0.6 x 0.6 mm. Ovules large, solitary in each locule. Style about 1.2 mm long.
Occurs in CYP, NEQ, CEQ and southwards as far as coastal central Queensland. Altitudinal range in CYP and NEQ from near sea level to 950 m. Grows in monsoon forest and well developed lowland and upland rain forest. Also occurs in Malesia and the Pacific islands.
Dallachya vitiensis (Benth.) F.Muell. , Mueller, F.J.H. von (1875) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 9: 140. Rhamnus vitiensis Benth., Flora Australiensis 1: 413(1863), Lectotype: Cape York, Qld, 12 Nov. 1849, J.MacGillivray s.n. (K 356672, photo MEL, ex herb. Hooker).