Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition

Ripogonum elseyanum F.Muell.

Slender Vine
Click/tap on images to enlarge
Flower [not vouchered]. CC-BY J.L. Dowe
Flowers [not vouchered]. CC-BY J.L. Dowe
Fruit. © CSIRO
Fruit. © CSIRO
Scale bar 10mm. © CSIRO

Mueller, F.J.H. von (1858) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 1: 44. Type: Australia, C. Moore; holo: MEL.

Common name

Hairy Supplejack; Supplejack, Hairy


A slender vine not exceeding a stem diameter of 2 cm.


Twigs and petioles clothed in rusty brown hairs. Leaf blades about 9.5-15 x 3.2-5 cm, petioles about 0.2-0.5 cm long, densely clothed in dark brown hairs. Leaf blades 3-veined with the two major lateral veins departing from the midrib about 10 mm from the base. Lateral veins poorly developed. Drip tip well developed, up to 10 mm long.


Inflorescence up to 10 cm long. Flowers subtended by bracts about 6 x 3 mm. Tepals six, sepals (?) three, ovate, each about 4-5 x 3 mm, petals (?) three, ovate, about 6 x 3 mm. Stamens six, anthers about 5 mm long, filaments about 2 mm long. Ovary globose, about 1.5 mm long, densely clothed in matted brown hairs. Stigma three-lobed. Ovules one per locule.


Fruits about 15 x 15-18 mm. Seeds 1 or 2 per fruit, each seed somewhat flattened, about 8-9 x 708 mm. Embryo straight, about 2-2.5 mm long.


Usually 3 or 4 sheathing cataphylls produced before the first true leaves. First true leaves glabrous, lanceolate to cordate, distinctly 3-veined. Midrib depressed on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Seed germination time 78 days.

Distribution and Ecology

Endemic to Australia, occurs in NEQ and also in south-eastern Queensland and north-eastern New South Wales. Altitudinal range in NEQ probably not great and probably between 600 and 700 m.

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