Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Syzygium xerampelinum B.Hyland

Hyland, B.P.M. (1983) Australian Journal of Botany Supplementary Series 9: 136. Type: A.K. Irvine 974: State Forest Reserve 675, Mulgrave Logging Area, 8.x.1974 (holotypus QRS).
Mulgrave Satinash; Satinash, Mulgrave
Inflorescence frequently 3-7-flowered, bracts deciduous, absent at anthesis. Calyx tube (hypanthium) + pedicel about 6-11 mm long, calyx tube (hypanthium) about 4.5-7 mm diam., calyx lobes slightly dimorphic, broadly triangular, but somewhat rounded at the apex, about 2-3 mm long, +/- horizontal at anthesis. Petals +/- orbicular, truncate at the base, about 4-5 mm diam., oil dots visible, more than 200 per petal. Outer staminal filaments about 10-20 mm long, glandular, anthers about 0.8-1.1 x 0.6-0.9 mm, one large gland terminal, near the back of the anther, plus about 4-6 smaller glands lower down. Ovules about 12-25 per locule, placentas central, ovules radiating, ascending. Style about 17-32 mm long, approximating or exceeding the stamens.
Fruits globular to ovoid, attaining about 11-18 mm diam, excavated at the apex, calyx lobes persistent, appearing somewhat fleshy, about 2-3 mm long, pericarp succulent. Seed solitary, sometimes two, attaining about 11 mm diam., testa very thin, adhering slightly to the pericarp, but more closely attached to the rugose surface of the otherwise uniformly textured, petiolate, cotyledons. Cotyledons purple. Radicle variable, apical, lateral or basal, cotyledonary stipules present.
Endemic to NEQ, restricted to the area between Cooktown and Innisfail. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 540 m. Grows as an understory tree in lowland and upland rain forest, often found growing as a rheophyte.
This species never produces millable logs and has no commercial value. Wood specific gravity 0.78. Hyland (1983).