Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Acacia fleckeri Pedley

Pedley, L. (1978) Austrobaileya 1: 211. Type: Queensland, Pascoe River crossing, Iron Range - Wenlock Rd, July,1948, Brass 19664; holo: BRI; iso: K.
Usually grows into a small tree. Bark sometimes somewhat corky.
Leaves phyllodineous. Leaf blades about 9-14.5 x 2-3 cm, petioles sometimes very short or up to 4-7 mm long often transversely wrinkled. Venation longitudinally parallel with about 4-7 veins more prominent than the rest. Gland sometimes visible on the edge of the leaf blade very close to the base close to the junction with the petiole. Stipules small and inconspicuous. Leafy twigs usually marked by pale-coloured lenticels.
Pods about 8-11 x 0.6-1 cm, more or less flat but raised or inflated over the seeds, margins thickened. Seeds flattened, about 4-5 x 3-4.5 mm, 7 or 8 per pod, pleurogram ovate. Funicle brown, about 19 mm long, encircling the seed. Cotyledons rather thick, about 4 x 3-4 mm. Radicle about 2 mm long.
Cotyledons broadly and shortly elliptic, about 6 x 4 mm, thick and fleshy, base of the cotyledons attached to the stem in such a way that the base of the cotyledon is obscured so that the cotyledons appear cordate. First leaf pinnate with 4 leaflets, leaflets 3-veined, falcate, asymmetrical and +/- obovate-elliptic. Second leaf bipinnate with one pair of secondary compound leaf axes each bearing 4 leaflets. Stipules recurved, about 2 mm long. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade falcate to oblong, apex obliquely mucronate, base cuneate. Margin with one gland near the junction with the petiole. Leaf blade 3-veined with a midrib and two longitudinal veins. Other veins much less conspicuous. Petiole transversely wrinkled. Stipules triangular, about 0.8 mm long. Stems zig-zagged and flattened. Seed germination time 12 days.
Occurs in CYP and the northern part of NEQ. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 100 m. Often grows in riparian forest but also found in monsoon forest, vine thickets and open forest.