Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Acacia ulicifolia (Salisb.) Court
Court, A.B. (1957) The Victorian Naturalist 73: 173.
Juniper Wattle; Prickly Moses; Wattle, Juniper
Flowers and fruits as a shrub about 1-4 m tall.
Leaves phyllodineous. Leaf blades +/- needle-like, about 10-12 x 1.5 mm with a sharp pungent point at the apex. Midrib raised on both surfaces. Stipules small, brown, thorn-like, about 1-1.5 mm long.
Cotyledons about 4-5 x 2 mm. First leaf pinnate, second leaf bipinnate, leaflets apiculate. At the tenth leaf stage: leaves phyllodineous, terete or linear, about 6-8 x 1 mm, apex subulate, base sessile. Midrib just visible with a lens. Stipules linear, about 1 mm long. Seed germination time 19 to 31 days.
Endemic to Australia, occurs in NEQ, CEQ and southwards as far as Tasmania. Altitudinal range in NEQ from 900-1100 m. In NEQ usually grows in open forest and wet sclerophyll forest but occasionally found on rain forest margins.
This species has exhibited some anti-tumour activity.