Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Acronychia acidula F.Muell.

Mueller, F.J.H. von (1864) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 4: 154. Type: In montibus Seaview Range apud Rockingham Bay. Dallachy.
Hard Aspen; Lemon Aspen; Lemon Wood
Blaze odour generally conspicuous, difficult to describe, but perhaps resembling mango (Mangifera indica) or citrus (Citrus spp.).
Leaf blades about 10.5-19.5 x 5-11 cm. About 8-20 main lateral veins on each side of the midrib. Underside of the leaf blade only slightly paler than the upper surface. Crushed leaves often emit an odour like mango skin (Mangifera indica).
Cotyledons about 9-11 mm long, margins toothed. First and second pairs of leaves trifoliolate. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade inconspicuously toothed, more conspicuous on earlier leaves. Seed germination time 51 to 226 days.
Endemic to Queensland, occurs in NEQ and CEQ. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 1150 m. Usually grows in well developed upland and mountain rain forest on a variety of sites. This species is favoured by disturbance and is a characteristic component of rain forest regrowth. The fruits are much sought after by fruit-eating pigeons.