Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Acronychia chooreechillum (F.M.Bailey) C.T.White

White, C.T. (1933) Contributions from the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University 4: 49.
Mountain Aspen
Blaze odour resembling that of mango bark (Mangifera indica) or citrus (Citrus spp.).
Leaflet blades about 2.5-7 x 1-3.2 cm, usually emarginate at the apex. Oil dots numerous and closely spaced. Lateral veins forming loops inside the blade margin. Leaflet stalks and compound leaf petiole shallowly channelled on the upper surface.
Inflorescence about 2.5-6 cm long. Flowers about 6.5-8.5 mm long. Stamens eight, dimorphic, four long and four short in one whorl, long and short stamens alternating. Disk orange. Ovary green.
Fruits +/- ovoid, about 20 x 15 mm, prominently 4-angled, with four fissures extending from the pointed apex for about half the length of the fruit. Seed about 4 mm long, testa tuberculate.