Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Aglaia cooperae Pannell

Pannell, C.M. (2008) Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 22: 69-71. Type: Queensland, Cook District: Silver Plains, S of Scrubby Creek and W of Colmer Point, 27 June 1995, P.I.Forster 17031.
May attain the dimensions of a small tree but usually flowers and fruits as a shrub about 2-4 m tall.
Leaflet blades about 7.5-9.5 x 2.8-3.5 cm, leaflet stalks about 8-15 mm long. Usually about 7 leaflets per compound leaf. Lateral veins about 8-13 on each side of midrib. Leafy twigs, compound leaf petioles, compound leaf axes, leaflet stalks, terminal buds, midribs on the underside of the leaflet blades clothed in brown scales.
Fruits about 20-24 x 15-17 mm. Seeds about 15-8 mm, enclosed in a brownish aril.
First pair of leaves ovate, about 30 x 15 mm. At the tenth leaf stage: very small oil dots visible with a lens. Stems, petioles and vegetative buds clothed in a dense covering of rusty brown stellate hairs. Lateral veins curving and usually forming loops well inside the margin of the leaf blade. Seed germination time 21 days.
Endemic to CYP. Occurs east of McIlwraith Range on Cape York Peninsula. Altitudinal range from about 20 to 70 m. Grows as an understory plant in semi-deciduous or deciduous vine thickets, usually on old sand dunes, in evergreen notophyll thicket or rainforest.