Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Albizia sp. Sir Charles Hardy Is (B.Hyland 25849RFK)
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Provisional HISPID phrase name.
Usually a small poorly formed tree.
Leaves with more than 100 leaflets per leaf. Leaflet blades sessile, about 9-16 x 5-7 mm,. Stipules narrowly triangular, very small, less than 1 mm long, hairy. Basal vein usually has a much lower vein angle than the rest. Undersurface of the leaflet blades clothed in fine pale hairs. Rhachis grooved on the upper surface with a simple crater-like gland adjacent to the base and the apex both on the upper surface.
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Distribution and Ecology
Occurs in CYP and on islands off the central Queensland coast. Altitudinal range small, usually found in close proximity to the sea. Grows in monsoon forest and beach forest. A poorly known species.
RFK Code
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