Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Aphananthe philippinensis Planch.

Planchon, J.E. (1848) Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique ser. 3 10: 337. Type: in insula Luconia Philippinarum; Cunning no 1311 in herb. Hook.
Wild Holly; Rough Leaved Hickory; Rough Leaved Elm; Greyhandle Wood; Grey Handlewood; Elm; Axehandle Wood; Asbestos Tree; Native Elm
Usually a poorly formed tree.
Male flowers: Flowers about 1.5 mm diam., in condensed racemes or panicles not exceeding the leaves. Female flowers: Flowers usually solitary, about 3 mm long with 2 prominent stigmas about 2.5-3 mm long, stigmas divaricate, usually recurved.
Cotyledons linear. First pair of leaves ovate to elliptic, margin coarsely toothed, each tooth ending in an aristate tip. Upper surface of the leaf blade scabrous. At the tenth leaf stage: leaves scabrous on the upper surface. Each stiff hair with a basal gland. Leaf blade margin deeply serrate with about 4-6 pungently pointed teeth on each side; stipules linear, hairy. Seed germination time 28 days.
Occurs in CYP, NEQ, CEQ and southwards as far as north-eastern New South Wales. Altitudinal range in CYP and NEQ from near sea level to 900 m. Grows in drier, more seasonal rain forest often associated with Kauri Pine (Agathis robusta). Also occurs in Malesia and the Solomon Islands.
Food plant for the larval stages of the Common Aeroplane Butterfly. Common & Waterhouse (1981).
Timber used to make tool handles, polo heads, cobbler's lasts and baseball bats. Swain (1928).
Bark material of this species was active against some tumors. Collins et al. (1990).