Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Archidendron vaillantii (F.Muell.) F.Muell.

Mueller, F.J.H. von (1865) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 5: 60.
Salmon Bean; Bean, Salmon; Bean, Red; Red Bean
Blaze odour conspicuous, strongly resembling cat's urine. Deciduous; leafless for a short period between July and September.
Flowers pedicellate, pedicels about 3-6 mm long. Peduncles variable, about 1-5 cm long. Staminal filaments cream, about 25-40 mm long.
Fruits yellow or orange inside. Seeds about 10 x 5 mm.
First pair of leaves pinnate, each leaf with two leaflets. At the tenth leaf stage: crater-like glands present on the upper surface of the compound leaf axis at the petiole apex and also on the secondary axes where the leaflets are attached; leaflet blade without glands; a few very short pale hairs present on the petiole and axes of the compound leaf, also on the midrib on the upper surface of the leaflet blades. Seed germination time 10 to 48 days.
Produces a useful and quite decorative pink to reddish cabinet timber.
Wood specific gravity 0.53. Cause et al. (1989).