Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Argophyllum cryptophlebum Zemann

Zemann, M. (1907) Annalen des k.k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, Wien 22 : 283. Type: Sayer: Mt. Bellenden Ker, 1887, S. Johnson: Mt. Bartle-Frere 1891. Lectotype: Queensland. Cook District: Mt Bellenden Ker, in 1887, W.A. Sayer 84 (lecto: MEL 2288067; isolecto: MEL 2288065, MEL 2288066, W 10220).
Shrub 2–7 m high, often with decumbent stems. Hairs on new growth brown or rusty; hairs more than 10 cm from growing point brown or rusty.
Petiole 13-38 mm long; fully expanded lamina broadly-elliptic, ovate, or broadly ovate, 41-131 mm long, 21-61 mm wide, 1.5-2.9 times longer than wide; 5-7 lateral secondary veins on either side of midrib. Lamina apex usually acute, sometimes shortly acuminate; base cuneate, not oblique. Lamina margins denticulate, with teeth all about the same size, 7-14 on each side of the lamina, the teeth 0.3-0.8 mm long; margins sometimes entire, with teeth reduced to small glands. Upper surface of fully expanded lamina green, glabrous or sometimes with persisting T-shaped hairs 0.3-0.5 mm long. Lower surface of lamina white or rusty-brown from hairs, hairs appressed; secondary veins rusty, slightly raised; tertiary veins rusty or white, ± flush with indumentum.
Inflorescences terminal, paniculate cymose, 56-122 mm long, densely tomentose, primary axis 12-105 mm long, secondary branches 8-34 mm long; branching of inflorescence mostly monochasial, branches spreading at 30-60° from adjacent branch; bracts narrowly-deltate, 1.5-4 mm long. Pedicels 1-2 mm long; flowering hypanthium cupular, 2.5-3.3 mm diameter. Flowers about 7-8 mm diam., clothed in white and golden brown hairs. Calyx lobes 0.9-1.5 mm long; petals 1.9-2.5 mm long, white, corolla appendages white, 0.6-1.3 mm long, clothed in prostrate hairs on the outer surface but glabrous on the inner surface. Staminal filaments 0.8-1.1 mm long; anthers 0.35-0.6 mm long. Style 0.9-1.2 mm long; ovary 2-locular. Floral disk orange.
Fruit capsules with cupular hypanthium, 3-3.6 mm long, 3.3-4 mm diameter, calyx teeth 4, persistent at the apex. Seeds numerous and tiny, 0.55-0.65 mm long. Testa orange or rusty brown, reticulate. Embryo tiny, about 0.3 mm long.
Cotyledons +/- orbicular, about 2-2.5 mm diam. Midrib alone visible. First pair of leaves ovate, apex apiculate, both the upper and lower surfaces clothed in appressed hairs. First leaf margin entire, second leaf margin with 2 teeth, one on each side of the blade. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade ovate, apex acuminate and mucronate, base cuneate to obtuse, margin with 8-14 small serrulate teeth on each side. Lateral veins about 6-8 on each side of the midrib. All plant parts densely clothed in brown medifixed hairs. Lower surface of the leaf blade cream in colour. Seed germination time 26 days.