Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Argyrodendron polyandrum L.S.Sm.

Smith, L.S. (1969) Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 6: 18. Type: Cook Highway, approx. 1 mile N. of Yule Point, Webb & Tracey 6235 (holotypus, BRI.078911).
Stavewood; Oak, Brown; Oak, Black Tulip; Booyong; Oak, Brown Tulip; Highroot; Hickory; Crowsfoot Elm; Brown Crowsfoot Elm; Black Tulip Oak; Brown Tulip Oak; Brown Oak
Buttresses join the stem at an angle of approx. 45. White granular and pink fibrous stripes in the outer blaze. Blaze finely layered.
Leaflet blades generally small, about 6-12 x 2-5 cm, densely brown scaly, not white, on the lower surface. Midrib depressed or flush with the upper surface, occasionally slightly raised. About 12-16 veins on each side of the midrib. Fine oak grain in the twigs, particularly the bark. Large pores visible in the pith.
Outer surface of the flower buds clothed in brown or pale brown scales. Flowers about 13-15 mm diam. Inner surface of the perianth tube tuberculate but mainly free of stellate hairs or scales. Anthers about 20 per flower.
Cotyledons fleshy, about 7 x 7 mm, venation not visible. First pair of leaves elliptic to ovate. Lower surface of leaf and terminal bud brown from scales. At the tenth leaf stage: leaves or leaflets glabrous on the upper surface, lower surface brown from scales, midrib flush with or slightly raised on the upper surface; stipules very small, clothed in scales. Seed germination time 14 days.