Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Argyrodendron sp. Penta Tulip Oak (B.Hyland 2565RFK)

Provisional HISPID phrase name.
Tulip Oak; Wet Tulip Oak
Bark quite hard to cut and blaze layering very fine. Fine ray pattern in the inner blaze.
Leaflets brown to grey-brown on the lower surface. Leaflet blades about 6.5-14.5 x 2.4-5.5 cm. Lateral veins curved throughout their length, but not forming definite loops, midrib raised on the upper surface. Numerous scales visible with a lens on the lower surface of the leaflet blade. Pores in the twig pith normally visible to the naked eye. Twig bark strong and fibrous when stripped.
Cotyledons fleshy, about 9 x 7-8 mm, venation not visible. First pair of leaves lanceolate, lower surface brown from scales. At the tenth leaf stage: compound leaf with 4 or 5 leaflets. Leaflet blades glabrous, about 55-100 x 17-32 mm, and midrib raised on the upper surface, lower surface brown from scales; stipules linear-triangular, about 7 mm long, clothed in brown scales. Terminal bud clothed in scales. Seed germination time 24 to 26 days.