Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Atalaya hemiglauca (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1863) Enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. J. Murray during Mr. A. Howitt's expedition into Central Australia in the year 1862. Victoria - Parliamentary Papers- Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly: 16.
Tree to 6m; bark pale grey to cream, rough and scaly; buds and young stems white-hairy; stems becoming hairless.
Leaves simple on juveniles; pinnately compound without a terminal leaflet on mature plants; leaflets 2-6(10); lamina bluey-grey, variable in shape, linear, narrowly oblong-ovate or narrowly oblong elliptic; apex obtuse to rounded; base acute; pinnately veined with 20-30 main lateral veins each side of midvein; petioles and petiolules with prominent basal pulvinus. Stipules absent.
Inflorescence thyrsoid, terminal or in upper axilsFlowers white, scented, functionally unisexual, slightly zygomorphic; sepals 5, pubescent; petals 5, hairy especially towards the base; male flowers with 8 free stamens and a rudimentary gynoecium; female flowers with a superior 2-3-lobed ovary and 8 staminodes.
Features not available.
Thouinia hemiglauca F.Muell., Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 1(5): 98 (1859) Type: Mt Murchison, Qld, J.Dallachy & Goodwin.