Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Austrosteenisia mollitricha D.J.Dixon

Leaflet blades about 3.5-13.5 x 2.5-7 cm, lateral leaflet stalks about 0.3-0.6 cm long, densely hairy, terminal leaflet stalks longer. Underside of the leaflet blades densely clothed in pale +/- prostrate hairs. Stipules caducous, +/- peltate, about 5-15 mm long, clothed in prostrate hairs. Stipels linear, about 2 mm long. 'Pulvinus' present only on the terminal leaflet.
Flowers red, borne in inflorescences consisting of large numbers of raceme-like structures with a pair of flowers on a common peduncle about 4-5 mm long, pedicels about 5-6 mm long. Flowers about 10.5 x 8-9 mm. Calyx clothed in pale brown hairs, tube about 3.5 mm long, lobes about 0.5-1.5 mm long. Corolla deep dark red. Petals: standard about 7 mm long, centre cream; wings small, scarcely exceeding the calyx; keel about 10 mm long. Stamens 10, the filaments of nine stamens fused to form a tube about 5 mm long, open along one side, free part of the filaments about 4-5 mm long, alternately long and short. One stamen free. Ovary + style about 10 mm long, ovary densely hairy. Ovules about 14. Disk about 1 mm high, apex wavy.
Fruits flat, papery and indehiscent, about 4-9 x 1-2 cm, margins thickened. Calyx remnants densely clothed in pale brown or golden hairs, 'stalk' (stipe) above the calyx remnants about 4-7 mm long. Seeds reniform, about 5-6 mm long. Cotyledons about 5 mm long. Radicle slightly curved, about 1 mm long.
Features not available.
Endemic to CYP. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 550 m. Grows in well developed lowland and upland rain forest and in gallery forest.