Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Backhousia tetraptera Jackes

Harrington, M.G. et. al. (2012) Australian Systematic Botany 25: 412-414. Type: Queensland. North Kennedy District: Mount Stuart Townsville, J.W.Elliott JE13 & K.Townsend, 6.February 2012.
Tree up to 15 m tall, but usually 5-8 m tall, single- to multistemmed, coppicing; bark flaky, thin, grey, becoming mottled grey-brown to pink; lenticels on twigs inconspicuous, uniseriate hairs on new growth, 0.1 mm long; subrhytidome layer green, blaze pale brown with pale stripes.
New growth red-purple. Stipules narrowly triangular up to 0.2 mm long, soon falling. Petiole 6-8 mm long, sparsely pubescent. Leaf blade lanceolate to elliptical, 5.5-9 cm long, 1.5-3.8 cm wide, weakly discolorous, glabrous, apex acute to acuminate, base cuneate, margins entire, often undulating; midrib on adaxial surface usually flat, 10-12 lateral veins each side of midrib, angle of 30-45 degrees; intramarginal vein 1 mm from margin. Oil glands visible on both surfaces of fresh leaves as bumps. Juvenile leaves with petiole 1 mm long, lamina ovate to orbicular, up to 3 cm long, red-purple, when dry oil glands appear as pustules on adaxial and abaxial surfaces.
Inflorescences terminal or axillary in upper axils, dichasial with 2-4 branches; 10-flowered. Peduncle ca. 6 mm long; pedicels 1 mm long. Flowers with perigynium 4-angled, 2 x 1 mm pubescent on both surfaces; calyx-lobes 4, with 2 unequal pairs, outer pair 1.5 x 1.5 mm, inner pair ca. 1 x 1 mm, both surfaces shortly pubescent, glands visible; petals 4, white, 2 mm long including claw, ca. 1.5 mm wide, papillose to pubescent on both surfaces, glands occasionally present. Stamens 56-65 in 2 whorls, filaments free, 3 to 6 mm long, anthers dorsifixed, versatile, 0.25 mm long, terminal gland present, dehiscing through 2 longitudinal slits; pollen small, ca. 20 mm, parasyncolpate, oblate, triangular in polar view. Style inserted in a shallow pit on summit of ovary, filiform, 5-6 mm long, scattered hairs near junction with ovary, oil glands sparse, stylar canal open, stigma punctiform; ovary 2 mm long, ca. 1.5 mm wide, summit truncate, pubescent, oil glands sparse, 2-locular, 1 or 2 ovules per locule, placentation basal. Nectaries 4, club-shaped, 1 mm long, attached at the base of the ovary and hidden in a pocket in the perigynium corresponding to the angles.
Fruit dry, indehiscent, enclosed by the inflated perigynium, white with pink blush drying brown; wings on perigynium prominent at maturity. Disseminule 6x5 mm. Seeds up to 0.8 mm long, rarely observed, embryo curved with more or less conduplicate cotyledons; many did not complete development or were parasitised.
Features not available.