Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.

Roxburgh, W. (1832) Flora Indica (Carey) 2: 321. Type: .. a native of Malabar, in the Botanic Garden at Calcutta.
Lilac Bauhinia; Malabar Bauhinia
Leaf blade bilobed and deeply emarginate at the apex, almost reniform, about 4.5-9 x 6-11 cm. Upper surface of the leaf blade +/- glabrous, lower surface clothed in erect, pale brown or white hairs. About 9-11 major veins radiate from the base of the leaf blade. Leaf bearing twigs pubescent. Stipules small and hairy. Twig bark strong and fibrous when stripped.
Pods flat, about 17-35 x 1.5-2.5 cm. Seeds flat, about 6-8 mm wide.
Cotyledons elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded, strongly 3-5-veined. First pair of leaves simple, bilobed, butterfly-like. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade bilobed and emarginate at the apex, with nine veins radiating from the base, glaucous on the underside; stipules small and inconspicuous. Seed germination time 22 to 39 days.
Occurs in WA, NT and CYP. Altitudinal range from sea level to about 150 m. Often grows in open forest but also found in monsoon forest and in closed forest along watercourses. Also occurs in the Indian sub-continent, SE Asia, and Malesia.