Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Buckinghamia ferruginiflora Foreman & B.Hyland
Foreman, D.B. & Hyland, B.P.M. (1987) Muelleria 6: 417. Type: Portion 62, Parish of Alexandra (Noah Creek), 16 deg 10 S., 145 deg 10 E., Queensland, 13.vii.1972, B.P.M. Hyland 6245.
Oak, Spotted; Noah's Oak; Oak, Noah's; Spotted Oak
Oak grain in the wood and a corresponding pattern in the inner blaze. Living bark layer quite thin.
Inflorescence and tepals ferruginous-pubescent. Tepals about 10 mm long, densely ferruginous-pubescent on the outer surface. Hypogynous gland one, horseshoe-shaped in cross section. Styles about 7-8 mm long. Ovules 4.
Follicles about 2-2.5 cm long. Seeds flat with a narrow marginal wing.
Cotyledons about 15-20 mm long, 3-5-veined, uneven at the apex, much shorter on one side of the midrib, hairs on both surfaces of the cotyledons occur towards the base of the cotyledons. Petioles hairy, about 4-6 mm long. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade +/- linear to narrowly obovate. Terminal bud clothed in brown hairs. Seed germination time 16 to 22 days.