Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Cassia sp. Kalpowar (D.G.Fell DF2769)

Provisional HISPID phrase name.
Grows into a small tree not exceeding 30 cm dbh.
Flowers 30-35 mm diam., pedicels 3-4 cm long; pedicel articulated in upper half. Each pedicel subtended by a bract 4-6 mm long, above which there are two smaller bracteoles; pedicels densely clothed in short reddish hairs. Sepals unequal, 7-10 mm long; petals more or less equal, 20-22 mm long, obovate; anterior petal with red at base. 3 petals face up, 2 face down. Stamens unequal, 5 types: a) 3 long under ovary with 2 curves ca. 20 mm long; b) 2 short above ovary ca. 13 mm long; c) 2 "wings" ca. 8 mm long; d) 2 side anteriors ca. 7 mm long; e) 1 anterior 5 mm long. Ovary and style hairy, curved ca. 15-20 mm long. Ovules numerous, in 2 rows.
Pods 30 cm or more long, moniliform, +/- circular in transverse section.
Cotyledons about 16-19 x 7-9 mm. First leaf compound with 4-6 leaflets. At the tenth leaf stage: stipules small, about 0.5 mm, triangular, clothed in red hairs. Stem, petioles and the terminal bud also clothed in red hairs. Taproot swollen. Seed germination time 9 days.
Occurs in NEQ, known only from collections made on Kalpowar Pastoral Holding in far northern NEQ. Altitudinal range not known but probably low, being found at 100 m. Grows in monsoon forest and rain forest.