Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Chionanthus sp. Little Pine L.A. (B.Hyland 2520RFK)

Provisional HISPID phrase name.
Fruits +/- globular to somewhat pyriform to globose, about 20-25 x 15-25 mm. Endocarp hard, longitudinally ribbed. Cotyledons cream.
Cataphylls about 3 or 4, quite small, first two alternate followed by a pair which are opposite or sub-opposite. First pair of true leaves elliptic, about 80-95 x 20-25 mm, midrib raised on the upper surface. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade obovate to narrowly elliptical, apex acuminate, base cuneate to attenuate, glabrous. Lateral veins about 10-14 on each side of the midrib more obvious on the lower surface. Small dark glands (each in a depression) visible with a lens on both the upper and lower leaf blade surfaces. Stem clothed in lenticels. Seed germination time 29 to 58 days.