Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Cissus hastata Miq.

Miquel, F.A.W. (1863) Fl. Ned. Ind. Eerste bijv. 1: 517. Type: Sumatra occid. in prov. Priaman, Diepenhorst,s.n.; holo: D.
Vine stem diameters to 5 cm recorded.
Leafy stems square in transverse section and usually clothed in a glaucous bloom. Stipules caducous, spathulate, about 3-4 x 2-3 mm. Leaf blades about 5-12 x 3-9 cm, petioles about 1.5-4.5 cm long. Leaf blade marginal teeth quite small, about 7-14 on each side of the leaf blade. Tendril simple (unbranched) leaf-opposed.
Fruits globular to depressed globular, about 6 x 8 mm. Seeds about 4-5 mm long, pointed at one end. Embryo about 1-1.5 mm long. Cotyledons sometimes half folded or crimped. Cotyledons slightly wider but shorter than the radicle. Radicle about 0.8 mm long.
Cotyledons about 12-22 x 21-31 mm, much wider than long, shaped like a butterfly wing. Margins toothed (praemorse) petioles about 14 mm long, deeply channelled on the upper surface. Stipules present. First pair of leaves cordate, blades about 40 x 27 mm, petioles about 28 mm long, apex acuminate, base cordate, glabrous, margins toothed. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade cordate, about 8.5 x 5.5 cm, apex acuminate, base truncate to cordate, margin toothed with about 10-16 teeth on each side, petiole about 2.3 cm long, grooved on the upper surface. Midrib raised on the upper surface. Lower surface of the leaf blade sparsely clothed in multicellular, translucent, medifixed hairs. Stipules about 2-4 x 3 mm, sometimes wider than long. Tendrils simple (unbranched) leaf-opposed, usually produced between the eighth and tenth leaf stage. Seed germination time 30 to 129 days.