Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Claoxylon angustifolium Mull.Arg.
Mueller Argoviensis, J. (1865) Linnaea 34: 165. Type: In Nova-Hollandia ad Port Demison (F. Mueller! in hb. DC.).
Claoxylon, Narrow Leaf; Narrow Leaf Claoxylon
Can grow into a small tree but usually flowers and fruits as a shrub to 4 m tall.
Leaves linear, usually about ten times as long as wide, about 8-22 x 0.5-2 cm. Lateral veins forming loops inside the blade margin. Two small stipule-like glands may be visible on the upper surface of the leaf blade at its junction with the petiole. Leaf bearing twigs pale and marked by paler lenticels. Stipules small and inconspicuous.
Fruits green when ripe. Outer surface of the fruit clothed in short white hairs. Capsules small, about 4-5 x 6 mm.
Cotyledons +/- obovate, about 9-14 x 5-10 mm. First pair of true leaves linear, margins toothed. Hypocotyl glabrous, stem above the cotyledons clothed in pale prostrate hairs. At the tenth leaf stage: leaves linear, lateral veins forming distinct loops inside the blade margin. Stipules less than 1 mm long. Seed germination time 124 to 302 days.
Endemic to Australia, occurs in NEQ and CEQ. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 1000 m. Grows as an understory plant in wet sclerophyll forest and in the drier rain forests.