Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Cleistanthus peninsularis Airy Shaw & B.Hyland

Airy Shaw, H.K. & Hyland, B.P.M. (1981) Muelleria 4(3): 222. Type: Queensland, near Musgrave, Hyland 6927 (K, holotypus; QRS. isotypes) ..
Cape Cleistanthus
Living bark layer rather thin. Blaze finely, but conspicuously layered.
Leaf blades about 7-13 x 3-5.5 cm. Petiole transversely wrinkled. Stipules about 5 mm long +/- strap-shaped. Terminal buds and young shoots densely clothed in short dark brown hairs.
Features not available.
Occurs in CYP, widespread, and just enters the northern part of NEQ. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 300 m. Grows in monsoon forest, drier rain forest, beach forest and fringing forest along watercourses through open forest country. Common on many of the Torres Strait islands and probably occurs in southern New Guinea.