Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Coleus amicorum (S.T.Blake) P.I.Forst. & T.C.Wilson

Paton, A.J. et al (2019) Phytokeys 129: 16.
Flowers and fruits as a shrub about 1-1.5 m tall but also flowers when smaller.
Twigs 4-angled. Leaf blades about 4.5-7.5 x 2.2-4 cm, petiole about 1-2 cm long, grooved on the upper surface. Lateral veins about 4-6 on each side of the midrib. Leaf blade margin +/- crenate with about 14 teeth on each side of the leaf blade. Upper and lower surfaces of the leaf blades clothed in prostrate, multicellular, white hairs and globular orange coloured glands.
Racemes about 5-12 cm long, flowers in clusters about 7-12 mm apart, each cluster containing about ten flowers. Pedicels about 2-4 mm long. Calyx about 2-3 mm long, outer surface clothed in hairs and orange glands. Corolla about 9-12 mm long, outer surface clothed in orange glands. Stamens and style about as long as the corolla. Anther filaments about 5 mm long. Ovary 4-locular with a comparatively large sausage-shaped gland attached on one side and projecting above the apex of the ovary.
Features not available.
Endemic to NEQ. Altitudinal range from 700-1000 m. Usually grows in rocky areas in open eucalypt forest or wet sclerophyll forest but sometimes found on the margins of rain forest.