Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Commelina ensifolia R.Br.

Brown, R. (1810) Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae : 269.
Scurvy Weed; Wandering Jew; Scurvy Grass
Stems +/- prostrate, producing roots at the nodes. Stems longitudinally ribbed and clothed in pale hairs.
Inflorescence emerges from a broad cup-like bract 10-15 x 20-26 mm, clothed in hairs. Peduncle about 12 mm long. Pedicel about 5 mm long. Flowers about 20 mm diam. Outer tepals (sepals) translucent, dimorphic 5-6 x 4-6 mm or 3 x 2 mm. Inner tepals (petals) dimorphic 9-10 x 11-12 mm, deep blue in colour 3-4 x 3 mm and white or translucent. Stamens dimorphic, anthers about 2 mm long on filaments about 4 mm long and versatile or anthers about 2.5 mm long on filaments about 3 mm long and not versatile. Pollen orange-yellow. Staminodes yellow-orange, the anther part +/- 6-lobed. Ovary green, about 1 mm long. Style 4.5-5 mm long, curved like a fish-hook.
fruit enclosed in a large bract.
Features not available.
Browsed by stock (Roe 87).