Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Corsia dispar D.L.Jones & B.Gray
Jones, D.L. & Gray, B. (2008) Austrobaileya 7(4): 719. Type: Queensland, Cook District: Longlands Gap, Herberton Range, 6 April 1999, B.Gray 7516 (holo: QRS; iso: BRI, CANB, MEL, MO, NSW).
Stems erect, 13-30 cm tall, completely devoid of chlorophyll, purplish pink.
Floral bracts about 20 x 3 mm, 5-veined. Sepals and petals 5-10 mm long, large sepal (tepal) cordate, 15-30 x 11-18 mm on a stalk 3-4 mm long. Gland visible on the adaxial surface of the stalk towards the apex near its junction with the expanded part. Apex of the large lip-like perianth segment acuminate. Most perianth segments pink-brown to burgundy, large segment white or white at the base. Stamens about 2 mm long, shed readily. Ovary about 22 mm long. Placentas 3, ovules numerous, Style + stigma about 2 mm long.
Features not available.
Occurs in NEQ. Known only from a few collections made on the Atherton Tableland and the mountains west of Mossman. Altitudinal range from 1000 -1100 m. Found in rainforest.
Plants lack chlorophyll and grow as saprophytes.