Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Cupaniopsis simulata S.T.Reynolds

Reynolds, S.T. (1991) Austrobaileya 3(3): 495. Type: Queensland, Wide Bay District: Fairlies Knob, 10 km NNE of Brooweena, 25 30 S, 152 17 E, 3 December 1990, P.I. Forster 7671.
Northern Tuckeroo
Tree to 25 metres; bark greyish brown with lighter blotches, horizontal ridges and longitudinal furrowed; new growth reddish; buds and young stems densely hairy; stems becoming glabrous; stipules absent.
Leaves pinnate, alternate, 70 - 330mm; terminal leaflet absent; petiole 25 - 110mm; leaflets 4 - 12, sub-opposite; lamina elliptic, 60 - 150mm by 24 - 57mm (larger in juveniles), hairless (and glossy when young), entire; pinnately veined with 14 - 20 main laterals either side of midrib, distinct both surfaces; petiolules 5 - 12mm with prominent basal pulvinus 1mm long; apex obtuse to truncate; domatia absent.
Inflorescence thyrsoidal, 80 - 250mm long, in upper axils; flowers actinomorphic, white to yellow or green, 6 - 8mm in diameter, functionally unisexual (but appearing bisexual); plants monoecious; sepals mostly 5; petals mostly 5, 1.5 - 2mm with 2 erect scales at base; male flowers with 6 - 8 stamens and rudimentary ovary; female flowers with 6 - 8 staminodes and a 3-locular, superior ovary.
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