Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
A monogeneric family or a family of two genera depending on which classification is followed.
Cycas - A genus of about 30-50 species in Africa, Madagascar, China, Japan, SE Asia, Malesia, Australia and the Pacific islands; about 20-27 species occur naturally in Australia. Hill (1992, 1998); Johnson (1959); Laubenfels & Adema (1998).
Hill, K.D. (1992). A preliminary account of Cycas (Cycadaceae) in Queensland. Telopea 5:177-205.
Hill, K.D. (1998). Cycadophyta. In 'Flora of Australia.' Vol. 48, (CSIRO: Melbourne.) pp. 597-661.
Johnson, L.A.S. (1959). The families of cycads and the Zamiaceae of Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 54:64-117.
Laubenfels, D.J. de & Adema, F. (1998). A taxonomic revision of the genera Cycas and Epicycas gen. nov. (Cycadaceae). Blumea 43:351-400.