Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition

Family Profile
Family Description

A family of three genera and four species, cosmopolitan; one genus occurs naturally in Australia.


Tetrameles - A monotypic genus in Asia, Malesia and Australia. Croft (1978); Hyland (1972); Stanley (1982); Steenis (1953).


Croft, J.R. (1978). Datiscaceae. In Womersley, J.S. (Ed.) 'Handbooks of the flora of Papua New Guinea.' Vol. 1, (Melbourne University Press: Melbourne.), pp. 114-122.

Hyland, B.P.M. (1972). Tetrameles nudiflora R. Brown (Datiscaceae). A new record for Australia. Blumea 20:338.

Stanley, T.D. (1982). Datiscaceae. In 'Flora of Australia.' Vol. 8, (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra.), pp. 199-200.

Steenis, C.G.G.J. van (1953). Datiscaceae. In 'Flora Malesiana.' Ser. 1, Vol. 4, (P. Noordhoff Ltd: Groningen.), pp. 382-387.

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