Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Family Profile
Family Description
A family of about six genera and 600-700 species, pantropic with only a few species extending into the temperate zones; one genus occurs naturally in Australia.
Dioscorea - A genus of about 600 species, pantropic; five or more species occur naturally in Australia and one species has become naturalised. Burkill (1951); Telford (1986).
Burkill, I.H. (1951). Dioscoreaceae. In 'Flora Malesiana.' Ser. 1, Vol. 4, (P. Noordhoff Ltd: Groningen.), pp. 293-335.
Telford, I.R. (1986). Dioscoreaceae. In 'Flora of Australia.' Vol. 46, (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra.), pp. 196-202.
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