Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Diploglottis diphyllostegia (F.Muell.) F.M.Bailey

Bailey, F.M. (1885) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 1: 148.
Wild Tamarind; Tamarind, Northern; Northern Tamarind; Tamarind, Wild; Tamarind; Tamarind, Native; Native Tamarind
Sapwood surface corrugated. Lenticels small, 1 mm or less in diameter, exhibiting an extruded appearance.
Leaf bearing twigs, compound leaf rhachis and leaflet stalks clothed in erect, brown hairs. Leaf bearing twigs longitudinally grooved. Compound leaf rhachis with two grooves on the upper surface. Leaflet blades about 4.5-9 x 2-8 cm. Midrib raised and often hairy on the upper surface. Leaflet stalk short and swollen at its junction with the compound leaf rhachis.
A commonly cultivated and attractive tree. Produces a dense shady crown and conspicuous crops of yellow fruits with orange arils.
The aril is edible and is sometimes used to make a refreshing drink.