Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Dysoxylum setosum (Span.) Miq.

Miquel, F.A.W. (1868) Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 4: 13.
Miva Mahogany; Bean, Red; Miva; Onionwood; Red Bean; Mahogany, Miva
Blaze finely layered, darkening markedly on exposure. White granular stripes in the outer blaze. Dead bark layered.
Leaflet blades about 10-22 x 6-8.5 cm, leaflet stalks about 0.5-1 cm long. Pale brown circular or slightly elongated lenticels usually obvious on the twigs. Young shoots and young leaves densely clothed in yellowish or pale brown, silky, mainly prostrate hairs. Twigs rather pithy, often hollowed out by ants.
Fruits globular, about 25-35 mm diam., hispid or pubescent on the outer surface. Sarcotesta orange-red covering nearly all of the seed except the hilum.
First pair of leaves ovate, apex acute to obtuse or emarginate, +/- cordate at the base, hairy on the upper and lower surfaces. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade elliptic, apex acuminate, base cuneate to obtuse, long, erect, pale hairs present on both the upper and lower surfaces at least along the midrib, the main lateral veins and petioles; oil dots small, visible only with a lens. Seed germination time 34 to 62 days.
Seldom logged in historical times. Produces a useful general purpose timber.
Wood specific gravity 0.62. Cause et al. (1989).