Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Endospermum myrmecophilum L.S.Sm.

Smith, L.S. (1947) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 58: 56. Type: Yalu, on rain-forest margin, C.T. White, H.E. Dadswell & L.S. Smith NGF.1640, July 1944.
Endospermum; Moon Tree; Toywood
Orange-yellow speckles and layers conspicuous in the blaze. Blaze odour resembling that of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) or peas (Pisum sativum).
Inflorescence a panicle of short spikes. Male flowers: Flowers about 3 mm diam. Perianth tube about 2 mm long, lobes about 1.1 mm long, clothed in short crisped hairs. About 6-8 +/- peltate, sessile anthers fused to a fleshy androphore (staminal column) about 4 mm long. Hermaphrodite flowers: Flowers about 3 mm diam. Perianth clothed in short crisped hairs. Anthers about 10 +/- peltate and sessile, fused to the lower part of the androgynophore. Androgynophore about 4 mm long with about 2 mm of this length extending beyond the anther zone. Stigma covering the apex of the androgynophore. One ovule per ovary.
Cotyledons obovate, about 20-25 mm long with 3-5 veins radiating from the petiole. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade cordate, peltate, hairy on both the upper and lower surfaces; a pair of glands occurs on the underside of the leaf blade at its junction with the petiole; glands also sometimes occur on the underside of the leaf blade at forks on the lateral veins. Seed germination time 87 days.
Produces a light-weight, non-durable, general purpose timber.
Wood specific gravity 0.43. Cause et al. (1989).