Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Epipogium roseum (D.Don) Lindl.
Lindley, J. (1857) J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 1: 177.
Common name
Leafless Nodding Orchid; Ghost Orchid
Plants soft and delicate, 'stems' hollow, about 13-30 cm tall. completely devoid of chlorophyll. Produces a tuber but not obvious roots.
Flowers subtended by bracts about 5-12 x 5 mm. Pedicels about 3-5 mm long. Sepals about 7-12 x 1-2.5 mm. Petals about 9 x 3 mm. Labellum spurred, with the spur pointing backwards. Labellum about 12-13 x 10 mm with a ridge down the middle of the upper surface. Column about 2-2.5 mm long. Ovary about 7 x 6 mm, ovules numerous.
Features not available.
Distribution and Ecology
Natural History & Notes
Plants lack chlorophyll and live as saprophytes. The flowering-fruiting cycle is quite short, probably only a few days.
Limodorum roseum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal : 30(1825), Type: Nepal, N. Wallich s. n.; Holo: BM; Iso: K, L. Epipogium nutans (Blume) H.G. Reichb., Bonplandia 5: 36(1857). Epipogium Guilfoylii Benth., Flora Australiensis 6: 308(1873), Type: No type, name only cited as a synonym. Galera nutans Blume, Bijdr. 8: 416(1825), Type: Java, Mt Salak, Zollinger 506; Holo: W.
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