Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Erythroxylum sp. Mosquito Point (J.R.Clarkson 9991)

Provisional HISPID phrase name.
Occasionally grows into a small tree but often flowers and fruits as a shrub.
Flowers about 5 mm diam. Calyx lobes about 2 x 0.6-1 mm. Petals about 1-4 x 1-2 mm with a distinct ruffle on the inner surface towards the base. Stamens ten, filaments fused towards the base to form a tube about 1.5-2 mm high around the ovary. Free part of staminal filaments alternately shorter and longer (short about 0.5 mm long, long about 1.5-2 mm long). Anthers globose, about 0.5 mm diam. Ovary green. Styles three, fused towards the base, free parts about 0.6-2 mm long.
Features not available.
Endemic to Queensland, occurs in CYP and NEQ. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 100 m. Usually grows in monsoon forest or vine thickets but sometimes found in open forest.