Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Etlingera australasica (R.M.Sm.) R.M.Sm.

Smith, R.M. (1986) Notes from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburg 43 : 243.
Usually flowers and fruits as a shrubby plant about 2-4 m tall but it should be noted that only the leaves are above ground level. The true stem is below the soil surface.
Inflorescences produced on long or short peduncles surrounded by sterile bracts. Inflorescences produced some distance from the base of leafy shoots, it is not always obvious that the inflorescence in fact belongs to that particular plant. Inflorescence up to 8 x 2.5 cm, at least partially subterranean, flowers about 4-6 per inflorescence, sterile bracts pubescent, up to 5 x 2.5 cm, fertile bracts lanceolate, about 4-6 cm long. Bracteoles to 5 cm long, pubescent. Calyx to 7 cm long, shortly 3-dentate, pubescent. Corolla tube about 7 cm long, lobes about 2-2.5 cm long. Labellum to 7 cm long, connate to the filament in lower 1 cm, obscurely 3-lobed. Anther about 10-13 mm long, free filament about 2-3 mm long. Ovary about 10-13 mm long, pubescent.