Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Euodia hylandii T.G.Hartley

Hartley, T.G. (2001) Allertonia 8: 64. Type: Queensland, Portion 62, near Noah Creek, 11 Apr. 1972, Hyland 5987; holo: CANB; iso: BRI.
Dwarf Euodia; Euodia, Dwarf
A small tree not exceeding 30 cm dbh. Orange-brown layers or stripes present in the outer blaze.
Cotyledons about 7-12 mm long, margins +/- smooth to slightly crenate. First pair of leaves with crenate margins at least in the upper half. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade narrowly elliptic, apex acute or bluntly acuminate, base attenuate; midrib green, raised on the upper surface; lateral veins forming definite loops inside the blade margin; oil dots numerous, visible to the naked eye and readily visible with a lens; crushed leaves emit a strong odour. Seed germination time 24 to 44 days.
Occurs in CYP and NEQ. Altitudinal range from sea level to 550 m. Grows as an understory tree in well developed lowland rain forest.