Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Gouania australiana F.Muell.

Mueller, F.J.H. von (1864) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 4: 144. Type: Queensland, Rockingham Bay, J. Dallachy; holo: MEL.
Vine stem diameters to 6 cm recorded.
Stipules caducous, triangular, about 2-4 mm long. Leafy twigs and petioles densely clothed in pale brown hairs. Leaf blades about 5-12 x 3-10 cm, petioles about 1-2 cm long, narrowly channelled on the upper surface. Both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf blades densely clothed in prostrate hairs. Lateral veins depressed on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Reticulate veins run like ladder rungs from one lateral vein to the next. A few inconspicuous teeth may be visible on the margin of the leaf blade near the apex or close to the base. Tendrils simple (unbranched) arising in the leaf axils or terminating lateral branches, sometimes part of an inflorescence.
Flowers pleasantly perfumed, borne in elongated panicles of spikes where the flowers are aggregated in discrete fascicles. Flowers about 2-3 mm diam., hypanthium hairy, about 1 mm long. Calyx lobes broadly triangular, about 1 mm long, hairy on the outer surface. Petals +/- spathulate, about 1 mm long, enveloping the stamens. Stamens about 1 mm long, attached outside the disk. Style and stigma about 1 mm long, protruding through the broad crenately edged disk. Ovules one per locule.
Cotyledons orbicular, about 3.5-4 x 3-3.5 mm, apex truncately obtuse, midrib not extending to the apex. First leaf blades ovate, margins with 1-3 teeth on each side. Leaf blades 3-veined, both the upper and lower surfaces clothed in hairs. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade lanceolate, apex acute with a short mucro, base truncate or cordate. Both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf blade clothed in hairs, margin with 1-3 teeth on each side. Stipules narrowly triangular, about 2-3 x 1 mm. Seed germination time 25 days.