Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Grewia breviflora Benth.

Bentham, G. (1863) Flora Australiensis 1: 270. Type: N. Australia. Cygnet Bay, A. Cunningham; N.W. coast, Bynoe; islands of the Bay of Carpentaria, R. Brown.
Seldom exceeding 30 cm dbh. Pink fibrous and cream granular stripes in the outer blaze. Blaze finely layered.
Twig bark strong and fibrous when stripped. Leaf blades about 4.5-12 x 2-7 cm. Midrib and main lateral veins raised on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Small stellate hairs visible with a lens on the underside of the leaf blade and on the petioles and twigs. Petiole thickened towards the apex close to its junction with the base of the leaf blade. Fine oak grain in the twigs.
Inflorescence usually shorter than the leaves. Peduncle and pedicels densely clothed in stellate hairs. Sepals about 6-7 mm long, outer surface densely clothed in stellate hairs. Petals about 3 mm long, obovate with a flat gland (ringed with hairs) at the base. Stamens 70 or more, fused to the gynophore. Ovary 2-locular, about 3 x 1.5 mm densely clothed in long pale hairs.
Fruit about 5-10 x 8 mm, often 2-lobed, sometimes reduced to one. Seeds about 5 mm diam. Cotyledons obovate, about 3 mm long.
Cotyledons orbicular, about 6-7 mm diam. with a few hairs on the upper surface and around the margin, about 3-5 veins radiate from the petiole. First pair of true leaves cordate, about 10-12 x 8-10 mm, margin crenate, both the upper and lower surfaces clothed in short bristles. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade ovate, apex acute, base obtuse, margin crenate, teeth numerous, upper surface with a few stellate and simple hairs towards the base mainly on the midrib and lateral veins; stipules linear, hairy. Seed germination time 16 days.
Occurs in WA, NT, CYP and the northern part of NEQ. Altitudinal range from sea level to 250 m. Grows in monsoon forest and vine thickets. Also occurs in Timor and New Guinea.