Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Leionema ellipticum Paul G.Wilson
Wilson, Paul G. (1998) Nuytsia 12(2): 273. Type: Queensland, Mt Finnigan, 25 Dec.1991, K.R.McDonald; holo: BRI 520388.
May attain the dimensions of a small tree but to date known only from collections made form shrubs about 1-4 m tall.
Oil dots easily seen with the naked eye but the leaves not particularly aromatic when crushed. Leaf blades leathery, about 40-60 x 20-26 mm, margins recurved, petioles about 2-4 mm long. Lateral veins not conspicuous on the underside, about 6-8 on each side of the midrib. Terminal bud clothed in hairs.
Features not available.
Distribution and Ecology
Known only from a few collections made on Mt Finnigan in NEQ. Altitudinal range not known, collections made at 1000-1500 m altitude. Grows in mountain rain forest.
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